Odbiór beczek przez Janus Vaten.

Dołącz do systemu recollect firmy Janus Vaten i zleć nam odbiór pustych beczek. Janus Vaten realizuje swoją kompleksową koncepcję. Składa się na nią produkcja, odnawianie en recykling beczek. Dzięki kompleksowej koncepcji puste beczki mogą być ponownie wykorzystane w zrównoważony sposób. Chcesz pozbyć się swoich beczek i chronić środowisko? W takim razie dołącz do naszej kompleksowej koncepcji.

Jak to działa?

Odbiór pustych plastikowych lub metalowych beczek i kontenerów IBC jest bardzo prosty. Wykonaj poniższe kroki, a my zajmiemy się resztą!





    Aantal en classificatie volgens de ADR regelgeving


    1000 L

    Kunststof vaten
    200 L

    Stalen vaten


    Lege verpakking / Lege container
    Products not classified

    Lege verpakking met resten: 3, 6.1, 8, 9
    Gevaarlijke stoffen ADR


    Lege verpakking / Lege container
    Products not classified

    Lege verpakking met resten: 3, 6.1, 8, 9
    Gevaarlijke stoffen ADR

    1000 L

    Kunststof vaten
    200 L

    Stalen vaten



    The customer declares that provided classification data is correct and packaging units meet the following requirements:

    Units are empty Packaging is considered empty when this has been carefully emptied in a manner appropriate to the packaging, where the best possible available techniques are used such as pouring, pumping, aspirating, scraping, shaking or a combination of several techniques. Depending on the nature of the residual product that are present, the packaging can beconsidered to be drip-free, free of trickles or spatula clean.

    Units are free form outside contamination and hermetically closed

    Not damaged and reusable

    Meet ADR provisions if substances are classified (UN approved)

    Filler, filling good and filling good classification clearly indicated, all markings are intact

    No product other than indicated had been filled into the packaging

    MSDS are available and will be submitted on request

    If the packaging contains residual products that can cause problems during cleaning in terms of nuisance caused by odour, reactivity (ADR 5.1 & 5.2), the presence of poison, or if it contains residual products that are generally problematic for the environment, then in consultation with the reconditioner/collector, the packaging can if necessary be delivered pre-cleaned. A sticker stating “pre-cleaned”, or a different symbol which shows that pre-cleaning did indeed take place, has to be stuck to this packaging. The delivery note must also state that the packaging has been pre-cleaned.

    Packaging that contained products with GHS-classification H200-H203, H300-301, H310-311, H330-331, H240-241, H340, H350, H360-361, H370, H372 have to be professional disposed at cost of customer

    All packaging will be assessed by qualified personnel by entry at Janus Vaten / NCG location. Any preassessment by the driver is tentative and non-binding. If the packaging do not meet the conditions set out above, Janus Vaten / NCG reserves right to:

    Reject the pickup

    Charging diposal costs for professional disposal of unusable packaging or residues to the customer.

    Charging incremental freight expenses for pickups where the number of packaging does not match the number in the request

    Pobierz formularz

    Wolisz pobrać i wydrukować formularz?

    1. Pobierz formularz, klikając przycisk poniżej
    2. Wypełnij wszystkie dane
    3. Wyślij wypełniony formularz na adres inkoop@janusvaten.nl

    Wysłałeś formularz? Skontaktujemy się z Tobą tak szybko, jak to możliwe. Masz pytania dotyczące odbioru plastikowych lub stalowych beczek? Żaden problem, chętnie Ci pomożemy.

    Pobierz formularz